Sunday, March 16, 2014

A new 30 days

So I've reached the end of my 30 day challenge to write a blog post a day.  It's taught me a lot about both trying to do something regularly (set a schedule and do it the same time every day) and writing (super hard, kudos to people who do it full time).

But now I need a new challenge to do something completely new for 30 days.  I thought about all the things I wrote before, like writing code every day, doing shoulder mobility drills, etc.  But these are things I kinda-sorta do now; they're not completely new.  It's like setting a goal to floss twice a day instead of once.

I've been feeling dissatisfied with my professional work as of late, and it's made me more mopey, and probably not fun to be around.  I want to be able to focus more on the positive, be grateful for what I have, and be a better person to be around.  There are studies that have shown that just reflecting on what you are grateful for will make you happier and more satisfied with your life.  But I also want to do something beyond just improving my attitude -- I also want to actively work on something that could build into another professional opportunity.

So I can think of two things that will help me do this:
- every day for 30 days, think of and post something I'm grateful for
- every day for 30 days, at the same time, I'll post an idea for something I'd want, or want to build

I'll either post them on G+, which is where short stuff like this will likely be more 'visible', or the blog, if there is an idea that I really need to write about (or talk myself out of.)

So, day 1-  March 16.

What I'm grateful for:

I get time every day after the kidlet goes to bed to work on my "own stuff", writing blog posts, checking facebook, etc.

Idea of the day:

Wind chimes that make the sound like palm trees do in the wind.  I dunno, it sounds dumb, but I like the sound of palm trees when they blow in the wind, but they can be nasty to maintain and get really tall.

Ok, so maybe that's in the "talk myself out of it" category?

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading all these as you went on to write them, Glenn. Thank you for sharing all this.
