It wasn't like I didn't try to look at other systems. Of course, I went straight to Chromebooks first, but knew that I would have to wipe / dualboot it to even get Linux on it, and even then, the modest computing power wouldn't be able to handle heavier applications. On my way to the Mac counter at Best Buy, I even stopped over at the Windows laptops. There were dozens of them, all happily running their Windows 8 kiosk-style and not another soul in sight around them -- when I touched one to try to launch the big "weather" app from
Instead, I plunked down several thousand bucks and walked out with a small, thin white box. Giddy.
One week in, I have to admit that I'm happier than ever, and I've been extremely surprised by the experience:
- Finding applications that run on Mac is easy. Everything I wanted to run, including IDEs I've used before, and games I was playing on my Windows Doorstop all have Mac versions.
- It had all the "power" of Linux already in it. I fired up a terminal and checked the version of git. It was all ready to go out of the box.
- Navigating around the OS was not a problem. I always thought "I know where to find everything on a Windows/Linux machine, but not on a Mac." -- turns out, it's just a matter of running the Finder or Launcher.
- I was able to easily install Hearthstone and, and they ran smoothly without even making the fan run.
Even so, there have been a couple of rough edges. The first thing I did was to reverse the two-finger inverted scroll nonsense. The App Store concept was weird -- do I buy apps from Apple's store thingy, or just download them from somewhere else? The number and quality of apps is questionable. I wanted an IDE to be there, but the closest one was like $70. Huh? And the "app still running until you go to Menu -> Quit" is still bizarre to me.
Anyways, it's been a helluva purchase, and it's helped me get a couple of broken-then-fixed versions of my extension out. I'm considering my all-in bet a pretty good one so far.