Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I've been feeling sore and a little under the weather today, possibly because of a pretty nasty workout today:

EMOM for 5 min:
6/4 Muscle Ups (Rings or Bar) - I did the bar with a band
ME Double Unders

 -Rest 2 minutes-

 4 Rounds of:
30sec ME Power Cleans (185/135/95)  -- I did 135
60sec ME Row for Cals60sec Rest

The scoring was the lowest number of double unders / cleans / calories.  So if you got 10 double unders in one round, even if you did 50 the next round, your score is still 10 (and if you didn't get to any, your score is 0 even if you did zillions the other rounds).

Aside from being a weird mishmash of timing, I dislike these kinds of workouts because you have no incentive to push hard if your numbers in previous rounds were low.  Once you get to the "magic lowest number", you just throw down the equipment and rest.  I get the intention of these workouts: maintain a high intensity across multiple rounds.  But it never turns out that way (at least for me):  it anchors me on only doing the minimum number of movements, which I think is a bad workout.  One small change (score is the *total* number of movements) makes it a very different workout.  (I did 22 / 6 / 13, but I did scale the muscle ups a lot)

I'm eager to see what the open workout will be this week, and hopefully I will recover in time to hit it with full force.

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