Monday, February 24, 2014

The Homebrewer's Dilemma

Admittedly, I have a bit of writer's block today, partially because I don't have a lot of time to write, and most of the ideas that I have to write about seem trite.

But one idea stuck out as not-as-mundane (thanks to my wife for the suggestion): one of my New Years resolutions.  As a homebrewer and part-time wine collector, I often have many beers & wines at my disposal -- before the new year, it was not uncommon for me to drink several a night.  Call it rationalization that made me think "I deserved it after a hard day" or "two glasses of wine are fine for you", but two drinks often gave way to three or more.

This eventually caught up with me: I was about five pounds heavier than I wanted to be, and I was not progressing in Crossfit as much as I would like.  I'm sure part of it was because of my (still less than ideal) diet and my overindulgence in the sauce.  Having to work out at 7 AM while being semi-dehydrated is also not ideal.  Consuming 500+ calories at night probably doesn't help.

This drove a tough choice for me:  I enjoyed my hobby, but it was slowing me down in my workouts and damaging my health.  I made a compromise: with a new year's resolution to not drink during the week and limit it only to the weekends/holidays.  A sacrilege for a homebrewer, but certainly better than letting it slowly kill me.

It's been a challenge so far, since it's always accessible and there are some days that I think, man, it would be nice.  But I've been able to keep to it, luckily.  In the first workout after I stopped, I already saw the difference:  when running, I was able to push faster than I could before, and I surprised myself with how much further I could go with less lactic acid building up in my veins.  The difference even after ~eight weeks is noticeable, with faster workout times and less weight (I've dropped the 5 already)

I still like booze, I don't think that will change, but I was able to improve my health even a little.  But as Abraham Lincoln said,  "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." 

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Glenn! A good lesson for anyone. I've been trying to drop a few lbs for some time, and maybe now is just the time it will work out. See you out at the Santa Monica Classic, probably just the 5k for me though. :)
