Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Toys!

I got my first set of palm protectors today, and they're going to absolutely save my hands.  I saw that Dick's sporting goods carries the protectors and headed over to check them out.  The rip on my hand is right in the middle of my palm, and is slightly larger than the size of a pencil eraser, which puts it squarely protected by the protectors.  I think if I give the rip one more day to heal, and my shoulders one day to rest, I'll be ready to give 14.2 one more shot and get past 81.

Much to my surprise, Dick's also had a wide array of other crossfit gear: wall balls, jump ropes, foam rollers, bands, and one item that I've been itching to treat myself to for a while:  rings!  I've wanted to get some work in on my muscle ups for a long time, so this is finally a good opportunity.

I'm not exactly sure where I can hang them -- my garage is probably the most likely place.  I'll have to drape them over rafters that have seen better days, so I'm worried that I'd break the wood and bring my garage down on top of me.

There is not a lot of space behind the rings to get a full kip, so I may have to go through getting a full rig before I can really work on my muscle ups.

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